Play that song by The Beatles

Ulu Mi
4 min readNov 20, 2020
Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash

“Okay bud, hear me out, this is why y’all perceive girls as crazy, I’m gonna tell you the frustrating truth about it, okay?”

Yeah for sure.

“So, they want you to know what they want…without having to tell you that they want it.”


“Crazy, right? I know it. I’m a girl or whatever, right?”

I don’t know, are you??

“Shut up! Okay, what I mean is, I use to think guys and girls were just being so stupid all the time in relationships. My thought process was just, ‘If you use clear communication, your partner will understand better what you want and or need. What the hell is so hard about that?'”

*He laughs*

“Seriously though, I tell my friends in relationships and my friends that are flirting with fire for fun the same thing: The other person is not a mind-reader. Be clear with your intentions, be mature about bringing up the conversation, Blah blah blah…”

Your advice makes sense, but it’s still super vague.

“It has to be! There are so many situational and individual aspects to consider that vary from relationship to relationship…it’s not always so straight forward or logical the way a computer understands.”

Layers upon layers.

“You know it onion boy. Precious and delicate layers.”


*They share a chuckle*

“You’ve never called an ex-partner crazy before? Or maybe a friend’s S.O. that was being hella unreasonable or inconsiderate?”

No, I haven’t.


Well if I have, it would've been to their face.

“Okay, well speaking on crazy and back to the, ‘what a girl really wants is for you to know what they want without them telling you,’ notion — ”


“Does that make any lick of sense to you?”

*Short pause*

Sure, it’s not so farfetched to want someone to understand or notice things about us without us having to specifically state it. It’s a nice surprise sometimes when you’re wrapped up in your own little world…


Well, this one's minute but it's simple enough. Me and this girl went out for coffee once back in college. She went ahead of me to order, then turned back to me and asked if I wanted any scones or something. I told her I was just gonna get tea or something.

“You said you went out for coffee.”

I don’t do coffee.

“Me neither! *They laugh* Why are we like this?”

*The shoulder shrug*

Anyway, that girl had ordered my drink along with hers. It was nice that she knew my order, and it was really sweet of her to pay for our drinks.

“You tried to Venmo her back, didn’t you? I know you.”

Actually, I asked her out to a cafe outside campus and said the next round was on me.

“Woah! Do I know you anymore??”

*Smirks* I can be smooth.

“Never have I seen such game from you my friend.”

That’s because you’re not on the receiving end of it, how would you see it?

“Excuse me!? This coming from the guy that refused to talk to the girl he had a crush on for half the year we were coworkers?”

Hey, that was different —

“No! You made me do all the leg-work. You should have paid me, I was the best wingman you’ve ever had in your entire life on that one!”

Okay, okay, you’re right! I do owe you for that one.

“That you do bud.”

Name your price then.


Sure, well within reason, I guess.

“Mmm…Hugs anytime I want!”

Seriously —

“I am serious about that.”

That’s what you want most in the world?

*Silence rests between the two for a moment*

“Well, I want the love that comes with those hugs: whether platonic, familial, or romantic. What I want most in the world is mutual love and sweet physical affections.”

*Friend intertwines their fingers together*

So something like this should suffice?

“Yeah… *she smiles at their hand-holding* Something along these lines.”







Aloha e kuʻu mau meli,

I think this week was more so on the nose and not as mysterious, but the the writing prompt given stated: “This is what she wants most in the world…”

If any of you have watched Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist, there's a scene when two friends are talking about music and writing about “the big picture.” The prime example referenced are The Beatles because of their understanding of the the world and the genius that is the hit single,

I Want to Hold Your Hand

If y'all have no clue what obscure reference I am attempting to utilize, then please feel free to watch this short clip from the movie to understand my inspiration for the title of this writing piece (which in true Mi fashion, was decided only after the writing was completed).

Until next time honey bbeess (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。⋆

